Taxes are a burden for everyone. When times are tough, it can be difficult to get the money to pay your taxes or find the time to file them. However, if you fail to file or pay your state income taxes, you could face serious consequences. It is important to act...
Business Bankruptcy
Federal Bankruptcy Law creates a number of avenues or chapters of Bankruptcy that can be used to solve your business problems. While out of Court negotiations can work, some businesses need the stronger protections that are offered by bankruptcy reorganizations. ...
How Can I Save My Small Business
The key to saving any small business is controlling overwhelming costs for capital and financing. Business debt reduction is the best path to saving your small business. If your business becomes mired in debt service, it quickly loses its competitive edge and will...
Protecting Your Small Business Though Personal Bankruptcy
If I File Personal Bankruptcy, Will My Business Be Protected? The answer is always yes, bankruptcy is a Federal legal remedy that eliminates personal debt and saves small businesses. If you are filing for personal bankruptcy, it is our job to make sure your business...
The Connection Between Business Debt and Personal Debt
Solving Personal Debt Solves Business Debt. Many Connecticut small business owners find themselves faltering under the weight of credit lines, credit cards and even second mortgages that jeopardize their family finances and their homes in an effort to support their...
Symptoms of Business Financial Problems
While all small businesses are unique, many of the problems encountered by Connecticut’s small business owners have a pattern and a common solution. Every business is special and different, but there are common symptoms and common solutions to financial issues faced...
Small Business Financial Solutions
One of the major underlying causes of small business financial difficulties is overwhelming payments on past borrowings and keeping current with debt obligations. Fortunately, there are a number of significant options that can assist you in returning your business to...