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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Danbury CT

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Danbury CT
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Danbury CT

The Law Offices of Neil Crane have been providing Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief in Danbury, CT since 1983.  We’ve helped thousands of people and families throughout the Danbury area obtain the highest level of Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief available.  For many Danbury area residents strapped with difficult monthly payments and the high cost of living in Connecticut, Chapter 7 relief has been the hard choice but the perfect path to a true fresh start.  Our clients understand that there are legal answers to financial problems as we guide them to a fresh start and personal financial recovery.

What Can Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Do For Me

The purpose and goal of all Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief is recovery from overwhelming debt levels and unmanageable monthly payments.  In the hands of experienced counsel like the Law Offices of Neil Crane, Chapter 7 eliminates unsecured debt in full and protects all your assets uninterrupted in full.  These types of perfect Chapter 7 cases are our specialty.  As the largest providers of Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief in Connecticut, we’ve developed the best office, the best procedures and the best success rate for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief in Danbury, CT.

Our Office always provides you with:

  • Perfect income and asset analysis
  • Perfect asset protection for every client
  • Perfect paperwork in every case from beginning to end
  • Perfect, fully predictable, successful outcomes
  • Prompt conclusion to every case

What Debts are Covered Under Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Danbury, CT

Chapter 7 is a series of precise national laws that allow for the elimination of nearly all forms of debt, no matter where you live.  While it won’t eliminate student loans or recent taxes, nearly all debts are dischargeable or eliminated in full permanently under Chapter 7.  This allows families to protect their assets and future income for more important necessities and regular living expenses.

Chapter 7 fully eliminates:

  • Credit card debts
  • Business debts
  • Personal loans
  • Personal guarantees
  • Consolidation loans
  • Older auto taxes
  • Older state and federal income taxes
  • Car repossessions
  • Medical bills
  • Utility bills
  • Joint debts
  • Co-signed debts

A properly filed petition under Chapter 7 bankruptcy provides our Danbury Chapter 7 residents with the best path to full recovery.  To eliminate your overwhelming debt and qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief in Danbury, CT, you just need to make that scary first call to Attorney Neil Crane and start on the path to recovery.  You have a right to a better life and the best Chapter 7 legal counsel will assure the bankruptcy system works perfectly for you and your family.

How Do I Choose a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer in Danbury, CT

The first step is to get yourself educated on who the specialist Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers are in your State.  Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a U.S. law, but it’s administered state-to-state by licensed legal professionals right here in Connecticut.  There are a limited number of truly qualified Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers in Danbury, CT because it’s too far from the Court system.  At the Law Offices of Neil Crane all court work is done by us with no court appearance ever required by our clients.

Take the time to get the best lawyer, not just the closest, especially in Danbury where general practice lawyers don’t have the knowledge or the experience necessary to produce a perfect result in every Chapter 7 bankruptcy case and most importantly – yours.

Don’t use a so-called general practitioner – a lawyer who claims to practice all types of law and tries everything.  Proper bankruptcy practice is a very specialized area of the law with additional legal licenses and special status.  You should never trust your future to a novice, even if they live next door.

Don’t trust an out-of-state credit consolidator or franchised law firms with their big online budgets.  They may have great marketing campaigns but they have no connection to Connecticut.  They lack the knowledge or commitment to make sure that you reach your fullest expectation and the maximum debt relief possible.

Get the best service and the best result from the very first call to the final fresh start.  With over 37 years of specialized dedication to Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief in Danbury, CT, you won’t be risking your future to some other office’s learning curve.  We know all the laws and all the nuances from over 15,000 successful cases.  We bring the full weight of our experience to each and every case.

To speak with the best Chapter 7 lawyers in Danbury, CT, now more than ever you deserve the Danbury Chapter 7 lawyers at the Law Offices of Neil Crane.  Our office will provide you and your family with the fullest, most comprehensive bankruptcy relief available under Chapter 7.  Summon your strength and make that first scary call.  You’ll be glad you called the Law Offices of Neil Crane from your very first free discussion directly with attorney Neil Crane to the final successful outcome we produce in every Danbury area Chapter 7 bankruptcy case.  Call us at 203-230-2233.  We know it’s a hard call, so we never use voice mail.

How Do I Income-Qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Danbury, CT

In order to achieve the fullest Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief available for Danbury, CT , you need the most experienced Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney in Danbury, CT.  Our expertise assures that everyone eligible will satisfy the income qualifications that allow the fullest debt relief possible under Chapter 7. 

Income in Chapter 7 is determined by taking your household gross income from all sources over the past 6 months and doubling it.  If that puts you under the following median income guidelines, your income qualifies for a Chapter 7:

  • Family of One: $69,249
  • Family of Two: $90,200
  • Family of Three: $103,544
  • Family of Four: $130,900

Each person over a Family of Four = $9,000 per child

These numbers are adjusted every 6 months, so the applicable numbers change.

Family size can be determined in a number of ways, including the number of dependents on your last year’s tax return, or the number of people in your house, even if they’re not related.  There are also specialized rules for what income counts toward median income and what can be excluded from your Chapter 7 income qualification.  As expert Chapter 7 Danbury bankruptcy lawyers, we know all the angles and all the detailed nuances that will assure your family the best opportunity for full relief under Chapter 7.  To learn more about qualifying for Chapter 7 with income from all sources; including:

  • Overtime pay
  • Worker’s Compensation
  • Fluctuating pay
  • Self-employment income
  • Social Security benefits
  • Social Security disability
  • Pension withdrawals and Pension loans
  • Split cases

call Attorney Neil Crane and speak with him directly.  He’ll give you the answers and advice you need to get the best possible Chapter 7 relief in Danbury, CT. Call us at (203) 907-4100.  We know it’s a scary first call, so Attorney Neil Crane always takes each initial introduction and handles every case right from the start.  We never use voice mail.

Means Testing Income Qualification Under Chapter 7 in Danbury, CT

Chapter 7 income qualification requires a full understanding of all the laws, rules and customary nuances of Chapter 7 Means Testing.  Means Testing is a somewhat complicated process that utilizes net income and allowable expenses to qualify our clients for full debt relief, even if they’re over the income guidelines for Chapter 7 relief.  As Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers in Danbury, CT, we know that means testing takes a serious commitment to hard work and your success, but it’s always worth it in every case.

Any lawyer who doesn’t know all the full details and calculations under Connecticut’s means testing regulations isn’t an expert in bankruptcy law.  When it comes to your future, only the best legal representation can assure you of the absolute best result available to you or your family.  At the Law Offices of Neil Crane, we’ve been using expert means testing techniques since income testing became part of the new bankruptcy law in 2005.  In fact, we started 10 years earlier while income testing was proposed as the main component in the Congressional bills that created the 2005 Income Amendments.

Get the best possible Chapter 7 means testing lawyers in the Danbury area at the Law Offices of Neil Crane, and learn how we qualify more individuals and families for Chapter 7 full debt relief regardless of higher incomes.  To learn more about the benefits of filing with the best Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers in Danbury, CT, call us at (203) 907-4100 and speak directly with Attorney Neil Crane.