Tailored Solutions to your Debt Relief needs
Debt Relief Solutions
At The Law Offices of Neil Crane, LLC, we employ a program of careful and complete analysis with industry-best preparedness and persistent advocacy on behalf of our thousands of Connecticut success stories. Your creditors will immediately respond with a new and negotiable attitude from the first moment we become involved on your behalf. We use our experience to create a customized program based on Analysis, Preparation and Advocacy.

Bankruptcy Services
“What types of debts can be discharged in bankruptcy?” This is one of the most common questions asked by people we discuss debt relief with every day. And it’s a very good question! Unsecured debt can be discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy or modified under Chapter 13. Secured debt cannot be completely eliminated, but it can often be modified or reduced, depending on the type and value of the secured assets. Tax debts can be eliminated or modified. The proper use of bankruptcy to discharge your unsecured debt allows you and your family the disposable income necessary to repay more important debt obligations, such as your mortgage, rent and car payment. It also allows you to reallocate limited financial resources to rebuild your financial future with the stability necessary for long-term financial security.

Financially speaking, almost nothing can have a greater impact on a family than losing a home to foreclosure. At The Law Offices of Neil Crane, LLC, we understand that our hardworking clients often need our help and expertise to regain their financial future. Our Hamden, Connecticut, office gives families the experienced legal representation they need to protect their homes and restore their financial health. We frequently use tools like foreclosure mediation, as well as Chapter 13 bankruptcy, to save our clients’ homes. As the number one foreclosure prevention legal office in Connecticut, we can save your home.

Credit Card Debt Relief
High interest credit card debt is the number one cause of financial problems in Connecticut. It robs families of needed disposable income every month, and even after paying each month, it never seems to go away. Consumers who feel as though they are spinning their wheels without a real plan to get out from under their credit card balance should understand that options are available. Legal solutions are there to protect you. In every case, credit card debt can be reduced or eliminated. Unsecured credit card debt is the easiest form of consumer debt to reduce or compromise through settlement or elimination. But, it often takes the help of an experienced professional. In some cases, credit scores are barely affected. In all cases, debt reduction will, in the long run, lead to a higher credit score and a solid financial foundation.

Small Business Bankruptcy
The backbone of Connecticut’s economy is the small business just like yours. Unfortunately, with the proliferation of easy access to consumer debt, many small businesses fail as a result of increased debt burdens that negatively affect the profitability of the business and the personal debt load of small business owners. With the lack of solid business lending, high interest consumer debt and commercial pay-day loans have become common practice throughout the small business community. The results prevent small businesses from growing revenue to get out of debt but the solutions are part of your legal rights and our customized strategies for small business debt relief.

Tax Debt Resolution
Taxes are a yearly struggle for every individual and business. It can be difficult to make a payment to the IRS or the Connecticut Department of Revenue Service (DRS) when you are having a hard time paying your other bills. If you have fallen behind on your taxes, it is important that you act quickly. Tax authorities can foreclose on your home, seize your property or place a lien on your property. In extreme cases, where the tax authorities allege that you are withholding taxes willfully or fraudulently, you may also face criminal charges and jail time. There are solutions available to you. With experienced legal assistance, numerous options exist for you to put a stop to collection efforts by the IRS or DRS. Any bankruptcy filing creates an automatic federal stay on any collection action or legal actions of any local, state or federal tax authorities.