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What Documents Will Be Required of Me during Foreclosure?
When applying for a loan modification you must be prepared to document your financial hardship and ability to pay even a lower monthly mortgage payment in order to be successful. Most of the major lenders require the same set of documents to establish your financial condition and being fully prepared is more than half the battle.
Experienced legal counsel for borrowers know what banks need to see to create favorable loan modifications. Read our Foreclosure Process article
What is a Foreclosure Factory?
They are large offices that specialize in processing thousands of foreclosures in CT each year through a bulk, streamlined process that focuses on moving foreclosures promptly based on profits and fees. These foreclosure firms moved cases in bulk with the least possible time and effort expended in an effort to increase profits and take your home. The two major mills in Connecticut are Hunt, Liebert, Jacobson, P. C. and Bendett and McHugh, P.C. These two multi-state foreclosure factories control the majority of all foreclosures in Connecticut.
Do I have to pay the bank’s Foreclosure attorney’s fees and costs?
The short answer is yes, absolutely. All bank mortgages require the borrower to pay all costs and fees of collection. So you pay for the lawyers who are taking your home from you and your family. This includes interest, late fee’s, sheriff’s costs, inspections, appraisals, mailings, court fees and all types of other hidden fees and costs. Stop paying the bank’s attorney and get counsel that works for you.
What is an Automatic Stay?
The automatic stay will put an immediate stop to:
Any court actions
Any phone calls or contact
Wage garnishment
Bank levy
Property repossession
Lawsuits and judgments against you
The filing of a case in Connecticut will immediately stop all collection efforts on legal action in any state or jurisdiction throughout the country.
FAQ Topics
Bankruptcy: Chapter 7
Bankruptcy: Chapter 11
Bankruptcy: Chapter 13
Bankruptcy: Chapter 20
Divorce and Bankruptcy
Foreclosure legal options
Mortgage Modification
Mortgage Payments
Second Mortgages
Divorce and Foreclosure
Discharging Unsecured Debt
Credit card debt consolidation
Improving Credit Score
Rebuilding Credit Score
Debt Collection
Court Judgments
Wage Garnishments
Bank Levy and Bank Executions
Property Liens