Now Due: Debt Collection Post Covid-19 Shut Down

Collection Actions and Default Judgments Recommence Post Covid-19 Shut Down

No one can deny that the Covid-19 pandemic has created greater financial hardship for our country than we have seen in a decade.  In a matter of one month the unemployment rate hit an all-time high of 14.7%.   In the months after March, 2020 thousands of households were forced to chose between feeding their families or paying their mortgage, rent, and credit card debt.  Although moratoriums currently exist on most mortgage and rent payments, as of September 9, 2020 the Connecticut Courts have allowed the recommencement of collection lawsuits for credit card companies, personal loans, lines of credit, medical bills, and utilities.   Thousands of families will be faced with debt collection post Covid-19.

Currently, the courts are allowing default judgments to be filed and without proper answers being pled by consumers, hundreds of judgments will enter against Connecticut residents without any resistance or even a Court hearing.  These judgments will lead to wage garnishments, bank executions, and liens on real estate, only further financially handicapping the Connecticut consumer.

Covid-19 has uprooted our way of life but many of its lasting financial effects can be avoided.  Options for collection defense, debt settlement, debt consolidation, and bankruptcy still remain viable options to get out of your debt and now is the time to take action to prevent further financial hardship.  These financial tools are available to consumers for the taking and with the right legal assistance and guidance you can achieve financial freedom in a post Covid-19 world.  The time is now to explore how to minimize your debt and increase monthly income so that you the consumer can focus on family, health, and your future.

Call our Law Office today if you are facing a large amount of debt that will now be due.  We can help save your car, your home and your financial future from debt collection post Covid-19. At the Law Offices of Neil Crane, you’ll never get a voicemail.  Call us today at  203-230-2233, or complete our online contact form to get a free consultation.