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Credit Card Relief Lawyer Hartford, CT

Credit Card Relief Lawyer in Hartford, CT

credit card relief lawyer Hartford, CTAs your credit card relief lawyer Hartford, CT residents trust from The Law Offices of Neil Crane may tell you, bankruptcy can change your life. While each person’s situation is unique, many people find that filing for bankruptcy provides the financial relief they are looking for. At this point, you might have some questions about what your future is going to look like if you decide to apply. You may be wondering about things like how bankruptcy will affect your credit, and if you can get a new credit card after filing. 

What Bankruptcy Does to Credit

Your credit might not be as high as it was after you file bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy eliminates all your debts, but it remains on your credit report for a maximum of ten years. Chapter 13 bankruptcy restructures your debts, allowing you to pay many of them back over the course of three to five years. Chapter 13 may not hurt your credit as badly as Chapter 7, but it will remain on your report for several years.

How To Get a New Credit Card After Bankruptcy

You may want to consider getting a credit card after you have gone through bankruptcy. If it was credit card debt that got you into the situation you are in, a Connecticut credit card relief lawyer in Hartford may advise enrolling in a financial course to give you more confidence and skills to manage your money in the future. To get a new credit card:

  • Check your credit score so you know which cards you might qualify for. It might take some time to get your score up high enough to get another card, but there are some tricks you can employ to help it along.
  • Look into secured credit cards. These are cards in which you have to pay a refundable deposit upfront. This is the collateral the credit card company will hold onto in case you are unable to make payments. It works just like other credit cards, but it could have a lower interest rate.

After you obtain your new credit card, be wise about your purchases. Only buy things you know you can afford so you are able to make the payments that will pay off the balance. Never be late on a payment, and if you do face a situation in which you might be late, contact the creditor first to see if you have options to postpone a payment.

Getting a Lawyer Involved

If you’re worried about what life is going to be like after bankruptcy, it could help to discuss your situation with a lawyer. Call a CT credit card relief lawyer from Hartford today at The Law Offices of Neil Crane to get assistance with your credit situation.